17 months, Signing & Moving

Well, this boy is all over! He climbs stairs, ladders, anything he can get his little feet on top of! He also runs...makes his mommy very nervous because he'll trip and fall. He has lots of bruises from all of his daredevil stunts! Makes other parents wonder whether he's being abused! Anyway, Joshua continues to develop his motor skills as well as communicative skills. He doesn't say much that is understandable, however, he does sign. His favorite show (the only one that his mom actually puts on generally) is signing times and he loves to dance to the music. He's also expressing more and showing his wants more. I.e. terrible twos coming in. Here are some pictures of Joshua playing in the park with his pal, Alice. The park is lots of fun! Then there are some of Joshua's signs.

Drinking and driving...he'll need to learn about this in his teenhood at driver's ed.

Would this be the aftermath of drinking and driving - drunk driving? You be the judge. Luckily for Joshua, he did not get pulled over and tested for BMC (Blood Milk Content).

No hat has ever stayed on Joshua's head for more than a split second before he pulls it off. However, for some reason he just loves putting this armchair armrest cover on his head. He looks like a little pharoah and maybe that's why he likes it.

Here's Joshua with his buddy, Kasten. Joshua doesn't like to push Hippo, as the toy is intended. He'd rather sit in it.

Below are some of Joshua's favorite signs. He's learning some new ones but never grows tired of the "essentials". See if you can figure out what he's signing.

This is by far Joshua's most common sign, "eat". He says "eat" in chinese as well when he does it. He used to do it for eat and food but now seems to use it when he wants something. We'll need to get him a new sign for want.

This is Joshua's version of "drink". It's actually the sign for water but eh, he usually drinks either water or milk anyway.

This would be "banana". I know for those of you ASL purists, this is not exactly how you would sign banana, but you've got to give him a break. It's hard to make a fist leaving the index finger straight with one hand and then to mimic peeling a banana with the other hand. If it's not understandable, there's always his reach out and grab what he wants method.

This would be the sign for "baby" - it's like rocking a baby in your arms. Of course, as a boy Joshua kinda rocks hard and fast. For some reason, he just loves to sign "baby" and "sleep" whenever he sees a baby. Let's hope this is a sign that he loves babies (will help when his little bro/sis comes into this world).


Anonymous said…
I am so gald that he is loving Signing Time! Isn't great to see them start communicating with their hands? Thanks for sharing about Signing Time!
Anonymous said…
is it going to be a sista or brotha????

-auntie anna

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