Summer Language Explosion & #2 progress

Ever since we returned from China in May, Joshua's vocabulary, comprehension, and communication has been growing in
leaps and bounds (ok, this maybe biased). He's been signing more and speaking more - truck, car, helicopter, airplane, banana, go, jump, sit, mommy, daddy, doggie, bed, kick, please, thank you, park, play and others. And about two weeks ago, he started putting two words together. One morning after swimming, he looked to his mommy and says "mommy cho" (meaning mommy sit) and pointed to a spot next to him on the towel. Mommy couldn't help but to sit down next to him and share some grapes with him. He's also associating things with people, for example, he'll come over to the mommy and daddy's room, points to daddy's side of the bed and says "dadty". When it's bedtime, he picks out what books he wants to read. He says "Wump" for Wump World, Eat (in Chinese) for Green Eggs and Ham, "Eckmin" for Ex-men, and "Choo Choo" for Thomas the Train. Oh yea, his mommy and daddy are always appreciative when he takes a dirty diaper or junk mail, says "trash" and throws it in the trash can. He also reminds his mommy and daddy to pray before, during, and after meals. He'll put his hands together and say "pree" and when we say amen, he says "Ahmin". Of course, all this development does have some "side effects", such him crying and protesting when we say "no" or "wait" or "later" but overall, he's still fairly easy to distract.

In addition to developing his comprehension, he's been working on his physical development as well. He's loves to climb stairs, ladders, rope nets, and just this week, he climbed one of those climbing walls at the park. He's throwing balls, swinging golf clubs, kicking balls, jumping, and building and knocking down blocks. He's quite an active guy.


Don't bother me, I'm eating.

Swimming with Aunty Casey. I love to splash and play "humpty dumpty".

On another note, baby #2 can't wait to get out. It's week 33 and 3 days now. Mommy found out that she's going through pre-term labor and has to stay on bed rest through week 36 (end of July). This really slows down activities for Joshua and gets mommy restless, but luckily there are friends and family who have been able to take Joshua out.

At 33 weeks and 3 days. It's low this time.

At 5 weeks: just for comparison


Anonymous said…
Wow! Sounds like Joshua is really growing up fast!! I can't wait for Jonah to meet him! Hue!!! I'm rooting for ya!
Anonymous said…
wow! sophia leanna is growing! and so is joshua! can't wait to see you on sunday!

-auntie anna

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