Autumn Fun
Now that Joshua is 2, he has not escape the fate of the "terrible twos". He has learned how to whine (which is really cute because he has this perfect frown), use the "mine" word even when they are not his, and say "no" to everything. He also is learning to share - taking turns, count (says "seven, eight, seven, eight, nine seven..."), tap dance, and communicate his emotions (tells mommy when he is scared and needs help). He's still the active little boy he's always been.
Sophia has been smiling her sweet gummy smile. Today, she GIGGLED at her mommy! Still loves to be held and played with and sleeps 8-9 hours at night! Joshua likes to kiss her and help mommy take care of her.
Joshua is very excited about this parade!
Mommy was very amazed when she saw Sophia do this:
Here, she is giving her usual pensive look..