Geodome Greenhouse Build part 2

Well, it's been a bit busy in the Soo household even though everyone is staying home since March 2020! So, it is time to pick up on where we left off with regards to our greenhouse story.

Soo Retreat Greenhouse August 18, 2019

After finishing the framework of the greenhoouse, we proceeded insulate the kneewall and cover the galvanized steel barn siding and trim.The goal was to make sure water with flow down and not into the greenhouse.

Onto waterproofing, all the seams were sealed usingn special aviation tape made by 3M! This stuff is very expensive and made to withstand COLD temperatures and UV exposure. Let's see how many years before I have to climb to the top of that dome to retape!

In order to control the temperature inside the greenhouse without using electrical heat, we installed fans and these 6" diameter pipes to draw the warm air from the top of the greenhouse during the day and take it into the ground. At light the warmed air in the ground would be blowing out into the greenhouse keeping the temperature warmer or cooler than outside. You may be wondering whether we have electricity into the greenhouse and the answer is 'yes'. We decided to have electricity vs getting solar panels and such since it was close enough to the house and we needed to keep the costs close to our budget.

View from the South side.

View from the South side at night after all the lights were hung. We chose to use the deck lights easily found at home improvement stores. It took 2 strings of lights.

We built these raised bed for placement inside the greenhouse using cedar fencing and galvanized steel siding.

Treating the cedar with a biosafe solution to reprevent rot.

Installed raised beds inside the greenhouse. This was all completed the end of September 2019, just before school starts.

This is a good place to end for now. Stay tuned for the next phase  - the interior of the greenhouse!


Dibby L said…
Woah! Thank you so much for sharing! Can't wait to see how you've been using it - that's the most important part!

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