Geodome Greehouse Build - Part 3 The interior & First Fall


In September of 2019 as folks were winding down on their gardens and prepare for the winter, we started our greenhouse garden. Now, this greenhouse was designed to be heated by the earth's thermal mass (i.e. the temperature of the ground underneath the greenhouse) and not electricity during the winter. Here in Zone 4B, we can get outside temperatures of down to -40 or -50 with windchill. This would be our first winter growing in the greenhouse it was a bit of an experiment. So here we go...

Raised bed installed inside the greenhouses. These were custom built to fit the exact inside dimesions of our greenhouse.

Raised bed filled and ready to go by Septempber 7, 2019. We mixed our own blend using compost, vermiculite, peat moss, bone meal, kelp meal, etc. We planted our first plant, a meyer lemon tree gifted to us.

Seeds were direct sown and planted around mid September. The weather the week ending on September 9, 2019 was cool but still good for germination.

By October 6th, the plants appear to be happy.

Snow peas on the left side. Lemon tree is still happy.

We did install drip irrigation to to all the beds. We ran a water hose undergound from our outdoor faucet to the greenhouse to fill some 55 gallon barrels of water. We installed a pump to pump the water from the barrels to the beds for when we need to shut the water faucet (due to the freezing temperatures outside).

October 20th, we had our first harvest! Although the outside temperatures were chillier, the totsoi were ready to eat.


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